Quality Innovative farm fencing and agricultural equipment

5 Steps to Install Chicken Wire Fencing

If you are looking for a flexible, light, and versatile fencing option for your hobby farm or ranch, chicken wire may be the perfect solution. When used for fencing, chicken wire offers exceptional durability and flexibility, allowing for enhanced safety and longevity when tending to smaller animals like poultry. As a leading provider of wire fencing solutions for farms and ranches of all sizes, the team at Edge Line Products knows how important proper installation is for every type of product. That is why we have compiled a list of 5 steps to install chicken wire fencing to help you complete the installation properly and maintain a high level of performance for years to come.

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How to Properly Install Chicken Wire Fencing

To properly install your chicken wire fence, you will need to complete the following steps:

1. Build a Suitable Frame

While posts can be used for chicken wire, this can cause it to sag over time. Depending on the size of your enclosure, you will need to use treated 1×2, 2×2, or 2×4 pieces of lumber. Constructing the wooden frame will increase durability and minimize the risk of sagging over time by providing a location to attach the wire with fence staples, making it well worth the effort.

2. Dig a Trench

Predators will often try to dig under a fence when trying to get into your enclosure. This is why it is crucial to ensure that your fence is set at least one foot underground. To achieve this, you will need to dig a trench around the enclosure. Be sure to use guides to keep the trench as straight as possible.

3. Install the Chicken Wire

With a staple gun, attach one end of the roll of chicken wire to one corner of your wooden frame. Once this is attached, unroll the chicken wire along the length of the fence. As you reach each corner, go back along the top and bottom of the frame and staple the chicken wire fence to it to ensure that it is firmly secured and tight. Once the wire has been installed, you will need to set the fence into the trench.

Get the best poultry crates for your chickens.

4. Fill in the Trench

Once the chicken wire fence is firmly placed in the trench, you will need to fill it with dirt and pack it in place. For additional stability, fill in the trench with concrete.

5. Install a Roof

Most poultry enclosures have a chicken wire roof to keep livestock from escaping and deter predators from entering. To install a roof, unroll the chicken wire and stretch it across the enclosure lengthwise. Be sure to use tie wire to secure any lengths of chicken wire that overlap, as this will help to minimize the risk of sagging while increasing durability.

For more information on our selection of farm fencing products or to inquire about our other farm and ranch products, get in touch with the team at Edge Line Products. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our products.

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