Quality Innovative farm fencing and agricultural equipment

3 Factors to Consider for Farm Fence Post Spacing

If you are installing a farm for your agricultural operation or ranch, it is crucial to ensure that the job is done correctly. While there are many factors to consider when installing wire fencing, post spacing is of the utmost importance. Proper post spacing is crucial for optimizing livestock safety and maximizing the usable life of your fence. That is why the experts at Edge Line Products have compiled a list of 3 factors to consider for farm fence post spacing to help you get the job done right.

Learn about the differences between barbed wire fences and electric fences.

3 Elements that Affect Farm Fence Post Spacing

In most situations, fence posts should be spaced about 8-12ft apart. It is crucial to note that this strictly applies to fence posts, not pickets. Pickets are often placed between posts at regular intervals to keep wire upright and increase stability, but they are not required for every type of fence. Factors that affect the distance between fence posts include:

1. The Size of Your Livestock

Large livestock such as cattle, bison, or horses will require a shorter distance of no more than 8ft between posts to withstand the pressure of them pushing against the fence. If your farm contains smaller animals such as sheep or goats, you will be able to space your posts a bit further apart (10-12ft). In addition to the animals inside your farm, fences should be built to deter predators. If you are constantly dealing with predators that are trying to attack your livestock, a shorter distance between posts is recommended as this will make it more difficult for them to breach your fence or damage it.

2. The Type of Fence You Have

The type of wire used for the fence greatly affects the recommended distance between posts. For example, standard barbed wire should have posts spaced 8-12ft apart, but high-tensile barbed wire can have posts up to 20-30ft apart. Electric fences also tend to allow for longer distances between posts compared to barbed or smooth wire. Another general rule is that fences with more wires will require shorter spacing between posts than fences with fewer wires.

3. The Land and the Shape of the Fence

If you are building a fence on flat land, you can likely utilize more space between posts. Alternatively, if the land is uneven or undulating, the space between posts may need to be reduced. The shape of your fence will also impact pole spacing and the number of pickets used. For example, rounded or circular fences will require more pickets than straight fences to keep them in the correct shape.

For more information on our selection of farm fencing products or to inquire about our other farm and ranch products, get in touch with the team at Edge Line Products. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our products.

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